Honda’s new CR-V – Just in time for Xmas

The end of November saw Honda launch the all new CR-V in Cape Town, just in time for Christmas. Yoshiaki Nakamura (MD – Honda Motor Southern Africa) greeted the throngs of motor-journalists before we took to the Republic of Cape Town’s pristine roads.

The new vehicle retains many of the now-familiar traits of the CR-V, such as the black B-pillar, which has been a trademark of the vehicle since its inception. There are, however, a number of new technological and other advances that clearly set the latest generation of the CR-V apart from its older siblings.

The 4th generation CR-V is quite striking to look at with it’s fluid lines and bold distinctive look. Finishing touches include new daytime running lights for design and safety, as well as the rear LED lights.

Interior wise the CR-V is not breaking any new ground, but is easily on par with other SUV’s in it’s class. Perhaps even a little better than some of the more expensive alternatives…

The first thing that we wanted to achieve with the interior design was a feeling of openness, I wanted to communicate the feeling you get when you stand on top of a mountain, looking down on the valley and seeing a panorama of the landscape. It’s a feeling of freedom, space and timelessness” said Takehiro Ishibashi, CR-V interior designer. The sense of space really did catch my attention, you could fit four giants in the car with relative ease.

Driving wise the electronic steering made driving effortless, a welcomed touch when it comes to an SUV and contributed to a more car-like feel. The real time AWD system meant the CR-V gripped the road allowing for a more confident drive.

Honda’s money was also well sent on the new double paneling in the doors which resulted in very low noise levels, making the ride that much more enjoyable. However, it’s not quite enough for you to mistake the CR-V for a electric car, luckily.

Driving ‘normally’ the CR-V does appear to lack a bit of “UMPH”. Which was why I tended to press the sport button, making the CR-V come alive a bit. I would probably always drive in sport mode, but that’s just me.

Other features of the new CR-V include; driver assist, hillside assist, trailer assist, applying left and right brakes, steering force assist, lane keeping assist, basically the CR-V will assist you a lot.

So what do I like most about the CR-V you ask? The boldness of an SUV, married with the car-like feel.

The car comes in six derivatives, including front-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive models, with three engines to choose from and four specification levels. Available from dealers right away, with the Diesel versions hitting the show rooms in Mid-December.



The new CR-V’s pricing includes Honda’s standard 3 year/100,000 km warranty and 5 year/90,000 km service plan.

2.0 Comfort FWD (petrol)      – R299,900.00

2.0 Comfort AWD (petrol)     – R339,900.00

2.4 Elegance AWD (petrol)    – R399,900.00

2.4 Executive AWD (petrol)   – R444,900.00

2.2 Elegance AWD (diesel)    – R405,900.00 (manual)

2.2 Elegance AWD (diesel)    – R418,900.00 (auto)

2.2 Exclusive AWD (diesel)   -R486,900.00 (manual)

2.2 Exclusive AWD (diesel)   – R499,900.00 (auto)


David Abbey

2 thoughts on “Honda’s new CR-V – Just in time for Xmas

  • December 2, 2012 at 12:39 pm

    Very nice review!

    The 2-litre with the six-forward manual ‘box would be the one to go for – with enough “umph” for a brisk airport dash!

  • January 3, 2013 at 12:53 pm

    Definitely Bren! And thanks! Looking forward to the Diesel.


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