Wings For Life with David Coulthard

When it comes to the coupling of organizations and celebrities I have always been a little skeptical. Perhaps because I no longer know if the Parlatones are a “rock band”, employees of KFC, running a computer franchise or trying to save the planet?

Well in that regard maybe they should cut down on all the hot air they generate themselves?

With pessimistic attitude towards celebrity branding I was pleasantly surprised when I got the chance to chat to David Coulthard in his Red Bull hospitality suite at this years Top Gear Festival.

Coulthard is an ambassador for the organization Wings For Life. Wings For Life is a global organization seeking to consolidate all research findings on treating and managing spinal injuries.

What shocked me was that this was finally an international personality attached to a highly relevant organization, creating a real relationship that was not determined by how much cash he could slam into his pockets.David Coulthard

As we all know, in the 2008 F1 season, David announced on the eve of the first practice session for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, a race he has won twice, that he was to retire from racing, after a very colourful career spanning 246 races, 535 points, 62 podiums and 13 victories.

However, there is still one race left for David Coulthard to win, and that is making spinal paralysis curable.

He signed up for the project, as an ambassador when he joined the Red Bull F1 team. Red Bull Racing has launched a campaign to raise $1 million for a spinal injuries charity, and this has been the platform for David to be a leading ambassador of this very altruistic vision.

After emerging unscathed from 26 years of hurtling round the most dangerous race tracks in the world, plus a plane crash nine years ago, he knows he is incredibly lucky and wants to put his energies into helping people not as fortunate.

I was lucky enough to get a chance to chat to DC about his involvement.

Dave: Hi David, seems like you’ve had a busy day and clearly many fans in South Africa. (Referring to Coulthard being mobbed for photos.)

DC: Yeah, its all part of it. It’s great to be here. big interest in motor sport

Dave: Just wanted to chat to you for a bit about your involvement with Wings For Life if that’s OK with you?

DC: That would be great, I would really appreciate it.

Dave: Great stuff, do you want to give us a bit of a break down about your involvement?

DC: Absolutely, … where do I start, Ultimately the air of the foundation is to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. By that we mean cultivating awareness, raising finances and probably above all is the collaboration and integration of other researchers in the field. In the past we’ve had many different organizations strives towards the same goal, I mean the Christopher Reeves foundation for instance was heavily involved in awareness of spinal injuries. The way we look at it at Wings Of Life is that its not a competition, no one is rushing to be the first person to cure spinal injuries rather its about the benefit of a cure, hence the collaboration process is so important. If you think about how things have advanced, I mean the cure for spinal injuries is out there, it has to be.

Dave: Awesome stuff, I can see your a very popular man DC (referring to the mob of people photographing Coulthard during our chat) I let you get back to the business.

DC: Thanks guys, nice chatting with you.

(Coulthard flashes a smiles to the masses vying for his attention)

For more info visit:

David Abbey/Justin Stephenson

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